Jul 2023-Jun 2024 | Jan-Jun 2023

Jan-Jun 2023
Non-Cash Benefits

Housed by Employer
Type of Housing
Value of Housing  
Rent to Employer

Ignore non-cash benefits up to Ksh 3,000
Use new NSSF rates - Tier I & II
Use new NSSF rates - Tier I only
Use old NSSF rates

This calculator works out the monthly gross pay that will yield a desired net pay by adding back PAYE, NSSF and NHIF.

Note that there are cases where a given net pay corresponds to more than one gross pay. For example, with the new NSSF rates and no non-cash benefits including housing, gross pay values of 100,000.00 and 99,878.57 both yield a net pay of 75,415.65. In such cases the calculator generates the minimum gross pay that corresponds to the given net pay.